City of Manningham bars and clubs

Manningham, Victoria, boasts a diverse nightlife scene with a range of options catering to different preferences. In the Templestowe Lower area, venues like Beehive, Platform 3065, and The Raccoon Club offer a blend of bars, live music, and entertainment. Similarly, establishments in Bulleen such as Platform 3065, Sir Henry Barkly Hotel, and The Back Room Bar provide lively settings for socializing and enjoying drinks.

For enthusiasts of live entertainment, the Manningham Hotel & Club in Bulleen stands out as a popular choice, hosting various events and performances alongside its bar and dining offerings. Moreover, the local community frequently coordinates events like day parties and live music shows, creating opportunities for both locals and visitors to immerse themselves in Manningham's vibrant nightlife. Notable bars and clubs in the area include Barr'd Wine & Tapas Bar and Prosciutto Bros.