
Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Tourist attractions

Whanganui National Park NI
+64 7-892 3729


The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is a popular day hike located in the Tongariro National Park on the North Island of New Zealand.

It is one of the most famous hiking trails in the world and is part of the Department of Conservation of New Zealand. The Tongariro National Park is a World Heritage site that has the distinction of dual status, as it has been acknowledged for both its natural and cultural significance.

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is usually walked from Mangatepopo in the Ruapehu region to Ketetahi Hot Springs, due to the Mangatepopo end being higher in altitude than the Ketetahi Hot Springs end, therefore requiring less climbing. The trail passes over the volcanic terrain of the multi-cratered active volcano Mount Tongariro, passing the eastern base of Mount Ngauruhoe. The trail is straightforward to hike from November to May, but from June to October, there is snow and ice, and alpine skills and experience are essential.

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is a long day hike, so people need to be in responsible shape to complete it comfortably. Hikers share the trail with a lot of other hikers, so it can be crowded. The trail takes about seven hours of steady walking to complete in good weather, taking longer in winter or if walked from the Ketetahi end. The trail is known for its stunning views of the volcanic alpine landscape, including the picturesque Emerald Lakes, which are a highlight of the hike.

The only option to get to the start and from the end of Tongariro Alpine Crossing is to take a shuttle bus. The Department of Conservation runs shuttle service from nearby towns: Whakapapa, Turangi, Ohakune, Taumarunui, or Taupo. Private travel agencies also offer shuttle services. The cost varies, but the average is NZD 35-45 for a return ticket. It is recommended to book the shuttle ahead of time to avoid disappointment.

The Tongariro National Park has plenty of other lesser-known hiking trails as well (and far less crowded). Some of the other popular hiking trails include: Tongariro Northern Circuit and Round The Mountain Track. Tips for hikers include checking the weather forecast before starting the hike, wearing appropriate clothing and footwear, bringing plenty of water and food, being prepared for changing weather conditions, and respecting the environment and following Leave No Trace principles. The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is a must-visit destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts visiting New Zealand. With its stunning views and unique volcanic landscape, it is a challenging but rewarding day hike that is sure to leave a lasting impression.


Whanganui National Park NI

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