
Banks Track / Banks Peninsula, NZ

Tourist attractions

South East, Banks Peninsula, SI 7520
+64 3 304 7612


Banks Track is a 31-kilometer private walking track located on the South Island of New Zealand, offering a multi-day walking holiday with scenic Banks Peninsula views.

The track is considered one of the best private trails in New Zealand, offering diverse wildlife, scenery, and hospitality. The track follows a symmetrical route, with each end of the track beginning at Onuku and Akaroa, respectively, and then soon heading up onto a 700-meter-high ridge that offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding landscape.

The Banks Track is a challenging route, taking an average of 10 hours to complete. It is a great way to explore the Banks Peninsula and see the beautiful volcanic coastline, waterfalls, native bush, open pasture, and delightful beaches. The track offers two options, the three-day Classic Walk or the two-day Hikers. The Classic Walk is a fully-guided walk that includes accommodation, meals, and transport to and from the track. The Hikers option is a self-guided walk that includes accommodation and transport to and from the track. The Banks Track is a reasonably-priced trip for what they provide, including transport to the first lodge, delivery of bags each day, and accommodation.

The Banks Track is an eco-tourism experience that encourages visitors to follow the Tiaki Promise, a set of guiding principles for visitors to follow, contributing to preserving and protecting the land. The Tiaki Promise includes keeping New Zealand clean, protecting nature, showing respect, being prepared, and driving carefully. The Banks Peninsula is a beautiful place to visit, with Akaroa being the jewel of the peninsula. Akaroa is a small town located on the Banks Peninsula, and it is Maori for “Long Harbour.” The town has a special point of difference in history – it was the only French settlement in New Zealand. Visitors can explore the town's history, including the French influence, by visiting the Akaroa Museum, which has a range of exhibits on the town's history.

In conclusion, the Banks Track is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves hiking and wants to explore the beautiful Banks Peninsula. The track offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding landscape, diverse wildlife, and a unique eco-tourism experience. Visitors can choose between the three-day Classic Walk or the two-day Hikers, both of which offer accommodation, meals, and transport to and from the track. Akaroa is a great place to stay while visiting the Banks Peninsula, with its rich history and beautiful scenery.


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: 9 am-5 pm

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Kids


South East, Banks Peninsula, SI 7520

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