
Springbrook National Park

Tourist attractions

Old School Rd, Springbrook QLD 4213, Springbrook, QLD 4213
+61 137468


Springbrook National Park is a vast natural wonder located in the Gold Coast hinterland of Queensland, Australia.

It spans an area of 6,197 hectares and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Gondwana Rainforests of Australia. The park preserves relics of ancient forests that existed over 180 million years ago on the supercontinent of Gondwana.

The Mount Cougal section of the park is known for its serene natural surroundings and is named after Mount Cougal, which has two peaks called the East Peak and West Peak. The peaks, named Barrajanda and Ningeroongun by the local Yugambeh Aboriginal peoples, rise 694 meters above sea level. The section also has a historical sawmill that operated near Cougal's Cascades in the past.

The Natural Bridge section of the park is home to a unique rock arch formed by a waterfall that undercut a cave beneath it. The cave is now inhabited by a colony of glowworms, and night tours are available to witness this natural spectacle. Swimming in the waters surrounding the glowworm habitat is no longer permitted to protect the ecosystem.

The Springbrook Plateau section of the park offers several short tracks that lead to various waterfalls, including Twin Falls, Rainbow Falls, and Purlingbrook Falls. The section also features scenic lookouts and a scenic drive through the park.

Springbrook National Park provides an opportunity for visitors to connect with nature and experience Australia's diverse ecosystem. The park's altitude and rainfall patterns create a cool and lush environment. While bush camping is not allowed, visitors can camp at the Carricks Road camping area.

Visiting Springbrook National Park is a great outdoor activity for families and nature enthusiasts. It is important to respect


Parks: Toilets, National parks


Old School Rd, Springbrook QLD 4213, Springbrook, QLD 4213

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