Box Head attractions

Box Head, located in the Bouddi National Park in New South Wales, offers a captivating experience for nature enthusiasts. The Box Head Track is a prominent attraction, offering an easy 3.1km walk through bushland to the Box Head lookout, providing stunning panoramic views across the Hawkesbury River, Broken Bay, and Lion Island to Sydney. The track meanders through rugged bushland and open windswept heath, allowing visitors to admire the diverse flora and fauna, including birdlife and unique rock formations. The lookout at the end of the track offers breathtaking views over Tallow Beach, Little Tallow Beach, Broken Bay, Lion Island, and Sydney's northern beaches. Additionally, the track is joined by other walking trails, such as the Flannel Flower walking track and Tallow Beach trail, which descends to Tallow Beach campground.

In addition to the natural beauty of Box Head, visitors can also explore the nearby attractions and activities. The area offers a range of walking tracks, including the Aboriginal Heritage walk, Bouddi coastal walk, and Great North walk, allowing visitors to further immerse themselves in the stunning natural surroundings.