
REmida WA

Business directory Environmental

1 Prospect Pl, West Perth, WA 6163
(08) 9227 5576


REmida WA is Perth’s Creative Reuse Centre, a not-for-profit community project that works closely with education to provide a unique, creative and responsible solution to industry waste.

<p> REmida WA is Perth’s Creative Reuse Centre, a not-for-profit community project that works closely with education to provide a unique, creative and responsible solution to industry waste. Through its workshop and membership programs, REmida aims to inspire the curiousity and creativity of adults & children alike with the infinite possibilities of creative reuse and thus encourage a more thoughtful relationship with waste.</p> <p> <br /> REmida materials consist of the discards, offcuts, remnants and refuse of local industry, materials that would have otherwise ended up in landfill. REmida, meaning ‘King Midas’ in Italian, gives new meaning to these materials and highlights the value & beauty imbedded within them, working effectively to change the way that they are viewed – not as rubbish but as valuable, interesting & beautiful.</p> <p> <br /> The materials collected by REmida are not sold, instead once a school, daycare, artist or family signs up as a member they are given unlimited access to the materials and are able to collect as often they need to, for free. The membership program is designed to encourage regular usage of REmida materials, providing a sustainable environmental solution to a school’s ongoing and often financially exhausting material needs.</p> <p> Workshops at REmida explore how useful and inspirational the materials are, and the endless possibilities they have for reuse through exploration, play and construction. School Workshops are aimed at predominantly primary school aged children with a range of activities that the teacher can choose from. Workshops are also available in festival settings and the REmida Play Experience is an interesting addition to any festival’s family area. REmida also holds its own events, with its annual REmida Day celebration in May, festivities during National Recycling Week in November and an Artist-In-Residence program running throughout the year.</p> <p> <br /> Join REmida as a member, donate your business’ waste materials or help the project by volunteering your time & skills. Please see www.remidawa.com for more details. REmida WA, supporting the development and practice of new sustainable art forms in Western Aus-tralia.</p>


Charities: Environmental


1 Prospect Pl, West Perth, WA 6163

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