
To the Moon at WA Museum Boola Bardip

Tourist attractions Aerospace, Science

Perth, WA 6000
1300 134 081


Across seven exhibition zones, To the Moon delves into our enduring fascination with the Moon and its influence on cultures, scientific discovery, imagination and creativity.

The Moon – mysterious, enigmatic, changing, waxing, and waning.

Throughout human history, the Moon has been an object of intrigue, reverence and curiosity. It has influenced cultures, driven scientific discovery, fueled imagination and inspired creativity.

384,400 km from the Earth, humans first reached the Moon more than 50 years ago, marking a momentous achievement in space exploration.

To the Moon focuses on our fascination with the moon, its role as a gateway to the larger universe and the first and most important step in space exploration.

To the Moon features the incredible touring 'Museum of the Moon', an impressive scale replication of the moon and its surface created by UK artist Luke Jerram. This exhibition includes a real piece of the Moon, collected from the final crewed NASA Apollo 17 mission.

The Moon once again beckons as the gateway to the Universe beyond.


Museums: Aerospace, Science


WA Museum Boola Bardip
Perth, WA 6000

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