
Illawarra Rhododendron and Rainforest Garden

Tourist attractions

43 Parrish Avenue, Mount Pleasant NSW 2519, Mount Pleasant, NSW 2519
0490 069 360


The Illawarra Rhododendron And Rainforest Garden Mount Pleasant is a tranquil oasis of greenery, perched on the stunning escarpment high above Wollongong in Parrish Avenue.

This internationally acclaimed garden offers visitors the opportunity to wander through four hectares of vibrant rhododendrons, vireyas, azaleas, camellias, and other exotic and native companion plants. Strolling through the garden's eight hectares of endangered Illawarra escarpment rainforest, visitors can take in the vast array of rainforest vegetation that is only found in this region. The gardens provide a beautiful backdrop for visitors to take in the sights and sounds of nature abound.

While springtime is the peak flowering season for the exotics in the lower gardens, year-round beauty can be found throughout the gardens. Seasonal variations and clever planting choices mean that there is always a kaleidoscope of colour to enjoy. Meanwhile, the upper rainforest gardens provide a rich and diverse array of huge figs, red cedars, native orchids, and other significant rainforest vegetation.

Apart from the botanic delights, the gardens are recognised as a haven for wildlife. Regular visitors include a diverse range of birds, frogs, water dragons, and echidnas. Visitors will find themselves immersed in the sounds and sights of local wildlife, adding a further touch of magic to any visit to the gardens.

The Illawarra Rhododendron And Rainforest Garden Mount Pleasant is open on Tuesdays and on weekends, including public holidays. It is closed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. During opening times, visitors are welcome to visit from 10:00am to 5:00pm


Natural attractions: Botanical gardens


43 Parrish Avenue, Mount Pleasant NSW 2519, Mount Pleasant, NSW 2519

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