
Kommo Toera Trail

Tourist attractions

Mackay, QLD 4740


The Kommo Toera Trail in Mackay, Queensland is a short but sweet out-and-back trail.

It spans 1.1 km with a modest elevation gain of 13 meters, and can be completed in about 15 minutes. This trail is suitable for hikers, walkers, and bird enthusiasts.

Despite its brevity, the Kommo Toera Trail offers a unique ecosystem and wetlands area. As you wander through the trail, you'll be surrounded by the shade of Melaleuca trees and witness the remnants of a cyclone that occurred over 20 years ago. Keep an eye out for snakes and stay aware of your surroundings. The Kommo Toera Trail is a great option for a quick walk or hike throughout the year. Getting to the trail is easy as it is conveniently located near Mackay, Queensland. Simply head to the trailhead and park your car in the designated parking area.

In conclusion, the Kommo Toera Trail is an ideal choice for families with young children and bird enthusiasts. It offers well-maintained asphalt and timber boardwalks, making it accessible for all ability levels newline.


Trails & sites: Scenic drives


Mackay, QLD 4740

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