
Old Ghan Railway Heritage Trail

Tourist attractions

Finke, NT


The Old Ghan Railway Heritage Trail in Finke, NT offers a unique experience to explore the historic railway and its surrounding natural features.

The trail is known for its rough terrain as it passes through the Simpson Desert, so visitors should be prepared for a bumpy ride and ensure their vehicles are suitable for off-road travel. Approximately 60km from Finke, the trail passes by Alice Well, which sits beside the Huge River, adding to the scenic beauty of the area. Camping opportunities are available along the trail, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the Simpson Desert and enjoy the peacefulness of the surroundings. The trail is also known for its stunning natural features, including Lake Eyre South, water holes, and mound springs at Wabma Kadarbu Conservation Park and Coward Springs. These natural attractions provide opportunities for photography, birdwatching, and experiencing the unique ecosystem of the region. The trail also features a working railway museum showcasing restored steam trains, diesel rail-cars, and carriages from the original Ghan railway. The route taken by the Ghan railway is regarded as one of the great railway routes in the world, and the Old Ghan Railway Heritage Trail allows visitors to travel along this historic route, providing a comfortable travel environment and a sense of adventure and exploration. From the rough track and camping opportunities to the stunning natural attractions and the railway museum, this trail offers a memorable experience for those interested in history, nature, and adventure.


Trails & sites: Heritage trails
